The home office

The home office Many of us don’t have the space for a home office, but every home needs to keep track of bills, insurance policies, warranties and instruction manuals. No one wants to receive a letter threatening to cut off the telephone or to discover the insurance cover expired the week before we were burgled. […]

Polishing silver

Polishing silver Tarnished silver can be difficult to clean, especially if it has gone a long time between cleanings. Frequent light gleanings are simpler and less time-consuming than infrequent intensive cleanings. But the simplest way to keep silver untarnished is to prevent tarnishing by storing the silver probably. By taking a fast generic cialis Texas […]

Automatic Dishwashing

Automatic Dishwashing Some people don’t mind doing dishes by hand: others throw everything into the dishwasher . The nice thing about using a dishwasher is that it makes kitchen cleanup faster and easier. Another plus : never dishwasher use about half as much water as washing by hand. Even young men too experience this condition […]

Cleaning the Medical Cabinet

Every now and then, empty out medicine cabinet. Clean all the shelves with an all-purpose cleaner or a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water. Discard all expired prescriptions. Check the dates on over-the-counter items and throw out anything that isn’t current. If you’re not sure what something is for, get rid of it. […]

Cleaning Sink

Cleaning Sink Here’s an unpleasant thought: according to Charles P.Gerba, a University of Arizona professor, there are more germs in your kitchen sink than on your toilet seat. Think about that the next time you are about to put produce in the sink to wash, it. To sanitize your sink, use a commercial disinfectant, a […]

Cleaning Small Appliances

Cleaning Small Appliances Unplug appliances and allow them to cool completely before you clean them. Wipe them down with a damp cloth or sponge, and dry them with a soft cloth or paper towel. To clean appliances that come in close contact with food, such as mixers and food procedures, wipe them witch an all-purpose […]