Food Safety

Always follow the storage, ‘use-by’ and cooking advice labels on all food packaging for meat, fish, precooked dishes and those that contain raw ingredients. Storing and preparing raw meat. Raw meat must be refrigerated and then cooked before the ‘use-by’ date printed on the packaging. It should be stored in sealed containers at the bottom […]

Detergent and fabric conditioner

Detergent comes in a variety of forms: powder, liquid, powder tablets and gel capsules, some of which even contain fabric conditioner. Powder is the cheapest option and most versatile and effective. Liquids are good at lower wash temperatures and are more readily dissolved when hand washing. Some liquids a special dispenser ball to be placed […]

Automatic Dishwashing

Automatic Dishwashing Some people don’t mind doing dishes by hand: others throw everything into the dishwasher . The nice thing about using a dishwasher is that it makes kitchen cleanup faster and easier. Another plus : never dishwasher use about half as much water as washing by hand. Even young men too experience this condition […]

Easy cleaning how to make cleaning easier, and more pleasant

EASY CLEANING How to make cleaning easier, and more pleasant. No matter if you can or cannot keep up with your cleaning, you may need those few simple tips to make your          cleaning more efficient, faster and more effective than ever. And you will also gain time for yourself, your partner, […]